Impacts of Funding on Quality Academic Delivery in Public Universities in the South East Zone of Nigeria


  • Christian Nwakanma PhD Department of Business Education, Madonna University Nigeria, Okija Campus, Anambra state Author
  • Raymond Nwandu PhD Department of Economics, Madonna University Okija Anambra State Author


Funding, Quality, Quality Academic delivery.


This study is on the impacts of funding on quality academic delivery in public universities in the south east Geopolitical zone of Nigeria. This study determined the impacts of funding on quality academic delivery in public universities in the south east Geopolitical zone of Nigeria. On that note, FUTO and IMSU were choosing as case study in the south east.  One research question and one hypothesis guided this study. Descriptive survey research design was used for this study. The population of this study is made up of 15, 990 respondents which comprised 5,293 lecturers and 10,697 students in Federal University of Technology FUTO and Imo state University Owerri. Stratified random sampling technique was used to obtain 8, 52 lecturers and students. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers with four rating scale of strongly agree, agree, dis agree and strongly dis agree. The questionnaire was subjected to face validation with the use of three lecturers; two lecturers from Business Education and Computer Science Education, one lecturer from Economics department, all from Madonna University Anambra state.  The reliability coefficient of the instrument was ascertained using Conbach alpha technique and the reliability coefficient indices were 0.81 and 0.91 which shows that the instrument is reliable to be used for this study. Data collected for this study were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while, t- test statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis.  The findings from this study revealed that there are inadequate funding in Nigerian universities which results to inadequate provision of teaching and learning facilities, poor academic delivery of learning contents by lecturers, poor maintenance culture on building facilities and equipment’s among others. It was recommended from this study that  adequate funding should be allocated to public universities to enable universities build more needed facilities such as classrooms, administrative offices and perhaps, carry out maintenance of existing building facilities and equipment’s needed  in public universities in the south east and Nigeria in general. In the same vein, grants provided by the international foreign agencies should be channeled directly on the purpose on which those grants are sent for. Government should increase allocation to federal and state universities, this would enable Vice- chancellors mitigate others needed services such as conferences, workshops and funding of departments in public universities in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Impacts of Funding on Quality Academic Delivery in Public Universities in the South East Zone of Nigeria. (2024). Current Research Bulletin, 1(5), 64-72.